熊猫之都总体策划及概念性规划国际咨询 入围单位变更公告




Notice on the Changes of the ShortlistedCompetitors of the International Consultation on the Overall Positioning andConceptual Masterplan of the Land of Giant Pandas

熊猫之都总体策划及概念性规划国际咨询入围单位评审结果公告于2018628日在大发在线注册门户网上发布。目前由于有一家入围设计单位自愿退出,现根据咨询公告及咨询文件的相关规定,由第一备选设计单位(中国城市规划设计研究院+成都市风景园林规划设计院 +北京中国风景园林规划设计研究中心)的联合体替补进入入围设计单位名单。变更后名单如下:

Theshortlisted competitors of the International Consulting on the InternationalConsultation on the Overall Positioning and Conceptual Masterplan of the Landof Giant Pandas was noticed on the website of the Chengdu Better City on June28, 2018. Since one of the shortlisted competitors quittedaccordingto the Consulting Document, the 1st alternative selected- the joint designgroup of China Academy of Urban Planning & Design , Chengdu LandscapeArchitecture Planning & Designing Institute and China Research Centre ofLandscape Architectural Design and Planning will enter he competition as one ofthe shortlisted. And the new shortlist is as follows:


Company  Name

Jora Vision Europe B.V.

+成都市建筑设计研究院(Chengdu Architectural Design  & Research Institute)

HASSELL Limited (怡境师有限公司)

+上海同济城市规划设计研究院(Shanghai Tongji Urban  Planning & Design Institute)

上海天华建筑设计有限公司(Tianhua Architectural  Design Co., Ltd)

+Chapman Taylor LLP(查普门泰勒)

+马西亚建筑设计(香港)有限公司(Codinachs Architects)

中国建筑设计研究院有限公司(China Architecture Design & Research Group)

Sasaki Associates, Inc.

+上海建筑设计研究院有限公司(Institute of Shanghai  Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.)

中国城市规划设计研究院(China  Academy of Urban Planning & Design)

+成都市风景园林规划设计院(Chengdu  Landscape Architecture Planning & Designing Institute)

+北京中国风景园林规划设计研究中心(China Research Centre of  Landscape Architectural Design and Planning)


To benoticed hereby.


Host: Chengdu Tianfu Greenway ConstructionInvestment Co.,Ltd

